Educational Costs and Policies
价格. 你在pg电子app下载获得的经验,以及你获得的学位,将会给你带来回报
for the rest of your life. 的 lifetime difference in earnings between someone with
相当重要的. But on top of that, the friends, network, and professional connections
you’ll make during your time here will prove invaluable.
学费和杂费的增加可能会根据董事会的决定而改变 董事.
Tuition (per credit) Tuition, Fees, and Books associated with instruction of a course. |
$170.00 |
**Graduation fee (applied during semester of graduation) 的 graduation fee is assessed to offset costs related to graduation. |
$200.00 |
*One-time, Non-refundable fee.
**One-time, Non-Refundable Fee per degree.
Basic 出勤费用
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院的学费每学期都不一样. 可变因素包括注册的学分数量和每月的生活费用. 所有 tuition and fees are considered to be student expenses. 金融援助 will be applied to student expenses as defined in Payment of Awards.
一个学生在pg电子app下载学习一学年的估计基本费用,基于 on 12 credits per semester for 2 semesters, is:
学生费用 | Independent with dependents | Independent without dependents OR Dependent not living at home | Dependent living at home |
Tuition ($170 per credit hour) | $ 4,080.00 | $ 4,080.00 | $ 4,080.00 |
教室用品 | $400.00 | $400.00 | $400.00 |
Rent, Utilities, Internet | $9,122.00 | $6,339.00 | $3,170.00 |
食物 | $6,624.00 | $2,289.00 | $2,289.00 |
旅行 | $10,917.00 | $8,026.00 | $4,013.00 |
个人 | $ 4,959.00 | $ 2,577.00 | $ 2,577.00 |
TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE | $36,102.00 | $23,711.00 | $16,529.00 |
Child Care (if applicable) $8,217
Per Credential Fee $200.00
*以上所有项目都是基于诺克斯,瑟斯顿,达科他县的平均值 in Nebraska and Woodbury County in Iowa multiplied by 9 months.
pg电子app下载 Refund Procedure
如果学生在正式退学/加课期间退学,学费和杂费将无效 学期期间,除不可退还的费用和未归还的书籍外. 在退/加期结束后,学费和杂费将按照学校的规定退还 下面的时间表. 学生必须提交申请正式退学 与他/她的顾问和学生支持服务,见退出部分在目录.
applied to the relating semester.
summer 术语 will be billed 100% of the tuition charge.
“停止约会”. Students that have not been awarded yet will have their fund balance
● Textbooks and materials must be returned when dropping a course. 返回的教科书
必须是无标记的,并且完好无损才能退货. 书不
in resalable condition will be charged to the student.
金融援助 Disbursement Procedure
第四章支出将在人口普查日期和注册和出勤后进行 can be verified and documented. 所有 educational costs, incurred through the last recorded 出席日期或正式退出将被考虑在决定 amount retained for the school and earned amount from the student.
支付和偿还政策是按照联邦法规 the Higher Education Act as amended. If a return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation shows 如果学生没有赚到所有的支出,学生将欠未赚到的 amount to Federal Student 援助 Program. Financial aid recipients who withdraw from 本学期所有课程或非自愿退课者可能不符合资格 for financial aid the following 术语. Students that do not continue attendance through 至少60%的学期将欠联邦学生援助的钱,并且不会 有资格获得额外的联邦学生援助,直到资金被重新支付 对金融服务管理局.
Return to Title IV (R2T4)
Student 金融援助 (SFA)
的 school is certified by the U. S. Department of Education as an eligible participant
Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended (Title IV programs). 的 school is required to de术语ine
Federal 金融援助 Refunds - Return of Title IV (R2T4) Calculation
A student recipient of Federal Title IV funds (i.e., Federal Pell or SEOG) who withdraws
to the federal government. 的 Return of Title IV calculation is a federally mandated
支付的第四章资金超过所赚取的金额必须退还 to the federal government by the college and/or the student. If the student received 从助学金中退还的款项,用于与教育有关的个人开支 或者住房费用,学生可能需要归还这些资金的一部分 去大学. This portion represents funds that were intended to pay the student’s education-related expenses through the end of the semester/术语. 金额是多少? 退回学院将根据学生的学杂费决定,予以退还 学生可能已经收到了非机构费用和基金 must be returned to the government.
返还给联邦政府的金额将根据 学生所注册课程的最后出勤记录日. 的re are two types of withdrawals, official and unofficial. An official withdrawal 当学生按照公布的流程退出学院时发生 prior to the end of the 术语. Attendance taking institutions require instructors to 做好考勤记录,正式退课日期将最后一次存档 day 出席的 in any class for which they are registered. An unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student leaves the college without notice. Title IV aid recipients who 未退课但停止上课者视为非正式退课. 的 返回标题IV基金政策要求学院计算“挣”的金额 based on the last day 出席的 of the semester/术语. If the student stopped attending 在学期的60%点之前,学生将被收取未完成的费用 charges as a result of the Return of Title IV funds.
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院使用联邦计算表格来确定学生的收入 amount of Title IV funds.
学生可能有资格获得退学后付款,如果在退学之前, the student earned more federal financial aid than was disbursed. 如果一个学生 有资格领取第四章资金的提款后付款,将予以处理 对于学生和退款将在14天内发出的信用余额.
学生可以选择与pg电子app下载商务办公室协商付款计划 if 金融援助 is not available. It is expected that the student will complete payment agreements each semester they are attending. Payment schedules will be reviewed each 术语.
由于pg电子app下载,学生可能有机会在平衡之外工作(但不是平衡) due 对金融服务管理局) prior to graduation. pg电子app下载’s campus work-study program must have approval from the designated supervisor and 业务办公室 prior to start date.
pg电子app下载接受第三方付款计划,由学生与他们的 employers or other outside agencies. A Third-Party payment agreement form is required 应于本学期第四周前完成并提交至商务办公室 出席的.
商务办公室是学生账单的官方机构存放处 付款计划. 商务办公室负责学生的账单,并分发 的退款. More information on the 业务办公室’s policies and procedures can be read in the 业务办公室 Policies and Procedures Schedule.